Ein buntes Gemälde mit mehreren Personen, die bei einer Weinernte helfen. Die Pinselstriche sind ick und die Farben leuchtend. Die Konturen der Figuren sind kaum zu erkennen.

Dora Hitz

Fighting with the old for the new

The painter Dora Hitz (1853-1924) was a key figure in the Berlin art scene at the turn of the century. Hitz was not only a member of avant-garde groups such as the “Group of Eleven”, but was also one of the founding members of the Berliner Secession, along with Max Liebermann. Dora Hitz was also part of an international art scene spanning across Europe: she worked in the Romanian Royal Court, in Paris and in Florence. Her friends and contemporaries included Harry Graf Kessler and Max Beckmann.

In the autumn of 2024, to mark the 100th anniversary of Dora Hitz’s death, the Liebermann-Villa is organising the first solo exhibition of her work since 1925. In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Claudia Blümle from the Department of Art and Visual History at HU Berlin and the curator Rahel Schrohe, the painter and her significance will be presented to the Berlin public for the first time in almost a century. An illustrated catalogue will accompany the exhibition.

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