Der Blick geht auf die seeseitige Fassade der Liebermann-Villa mit gelb und violett blühenden Beeten davor.


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Latest press releases

Eine Schwarz/Weiß-Fotografie von der Kunsthändlerin Grete Ring: sie trägt einen schwarzen Hut, ein gemustertes Kleid, verschränkt ihre Arme und hält einen Auktionskatalog aufgeschlagen auf ihrem Schoß und beobachtet konzentriert das Geschehen.
Bela Balassa, Grete Ring and Max J. Friedländer at an auction, 1931, photo: private collection

29 September 2023
From Cézanne and Renoir to Liebermann and Kokoschka

From September 30th, the Liebermann Villa on Lake Wannsee is dedicating an exhibition with unique loans of French and German drawings from the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford to the art historian and art dealer Grete Ring (1887–1952) and her collection for the first time. The show sheds light on her impressive career in the art trade of the early 20th century between the Weimar Republic and the period in British exile, on her broad network and on the highlights of her career, including the discovery of a number of van Gogh fakes at the end of the 1920s. As Max Liebermann’s niece, she was a close friend of his daughter Käthe and the godmother of his granddaughter Maria. There are therefore many connections between Ring, the Liebermanns and the Liebermann Villa on Lake Wannsee. The realization of the exhibition is made possible with funds from the “Hauptstadtkulturfonds”.

Press release (in German)

Press release (8.08.2023)

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Bela Balassa, Grete Ring and Max J. Friedländer at an auction, 1931, Private collection

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June 2, 2023
Summer in the Liebermann Villa

From June 2023, the Liebermann Villa on Lake Wannsee invites guests to a summer program. In the garden of Max Liebermann’s summer house, visitors can expect an atmospheric program with cultural and musical highlights, including the benefit concert series “Open Air: Classic, Poetry, Jazz & Berliner Luft at Liebermann’s” for Max Liebermann’s garden, as well as four “Wannsee After Work” evenings and garden days.

Press release with all dates (in German)

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Historisches Schwarzweißfoto einer männlichen Gestalt in einem Anzug von hinten fotografiert in einem Raum mit Kunstwerken
Yva, Max Liebermann, Portrait from the back, 1930, ullstein bild - Yva

March 23, 2023
MARCH 25 TO JULY 3, 2023

From March 25, 2023, the Liebermann Villa on Lake Wannsee will be presenting the exhibition “Meeting Liebermann. Photo Portraits from the Ullstein Collection”. The show focuses on the encounters between Max Liebermann and his photographers in the years 1905 to 1932. Based on sixteen original prints from the Ullstein Photographic Collection, the trend-setting photographers as well as photo studios and photo agencies are presented using historical archive and image materials, including Yva, Cami Stone, Felix H. Man, Erich Salomon, Fritz Eschen, Suse Byk, Argusfot and Dephot.

Press release (in German)

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Porträt eines historisch gekleideten Mannes mit fülligem Bart und historischem Kragen.
Max Liebermann, Kopf eines St. Adriansschützen (1627), Copy after Frans Hals, 1896, Oil on canvas, 41 x 32 cm, Max-Liebermann-Gesellschaft, Photo: Oliver Ziebe, Berlin

September 29, 2022
When artworks speak
Provenance research on the collection of the Liebermann Villa
1. October 2022 until 13. March 2023

From October 1, 2022, the Liebermann Villa will be presenting the results of the museum’s first provenance research project in the exhibition “When Artworks Speak. Provenance research on the collection of the Liebermann Villa”. Since 2020, around 150 works from the collection of the Max Liebermann Society, the sponsoring association of the house, have been systematically checked for Nazi persecution-related confiscation thanks to generous funding from the Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste. The focus of the new show is on an exemplary selection from the collection. The exhibition thus also provides insights into the environment of the German-Jewish painter Max Liebermann (1847-1935) and his wife Martha Liebermann (1857-1943). Furthermore, it addresses the challenges that the research field holds in store today. The highlight of the exhibition is the work “Head of a St. Adrian’s rifleman from 1627, copy after Frans Hals”, which can clearly be described as Nazi-looted art. The extremely generous agreement made possible by the heirs of Max and Martha Liebermann is a pleasing example of a fair and just solution in the sense of the “Washington Principles” of 1998.

Press release (in German)

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Die Fotografie zeigt Max Liebermann sitzend im dunklen Anzug mit einer Zigarre in der rechten Hand. Sein Körper ist nach links ausgerichtet, doch er dreht seinen Kopf noch etwas weiter und schaut direkt in die Kamera.
Grete Friedländer, Max Liebermann sitting with cigar, around 1930, © Max-Liebermann-Gesellschaft

JULI, 15 2022

Max Liebermann (1847-1935) was one of the most important modern artists in Germany. As a co-founder of the Berlin Secession and the main representative of German Impressionism, he was as much opposed as respectfully acknowledged. On 20 July 2022, the honorary citizen of Berlin would have celebrated his 175th birthday. The Liebermann Villa on Lake Wannsee and the Stiftung Brandenburger Tor at the Max Liebermann Haus on Pariser Platz are jointly celebrating the anniversary year with special activities, including a newly produced video series featuring four voices from the cultural world on Liebermann’s significance today.

Presse release (in German)

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Gemälde in hellen Farben einer Strandszene mit Personen die auf dem Boden sitzen, stehen oder in Strandkörben sitzen.
Max Liebermann, Am Strand von Noordwijk, 1908, private collection, photo: Christoph Irrgang, Hamburg

JUNE, 17 2022

Between 1905 and 1913, the village of Noordwijk on the Dutch coast was an important place of inspiration for the German-Jewish painter Max Liebermann (1847–1935). The works created in Noordwijk are amazing testimonies to his growing fascination with the techniques and motifs of Impressionism. With the exhibition “Coast in Sight! Max Liebermann in Noordwijk”, the Liebermann Villa on Lake Wannsee, starting June 19, 2022, explores the importance of the coastal town both for Liebermann’s artistic practice and for his personal and professional network.

Press release (in German)

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In der unteren Hälfte des Schwarzweiß Bildes sind, auf dem Boden einer weiten Landschaft, arbeitende Personen zu sehen. Aus leichten schwarzen Strichen ergibt sich in der oberen Hälfte ein Himmel.
Max Liebermann, Women Mending Nets, 1894, etching, Max-Liebermann-Gesellschaft, Photo: Julia Jungfer

March 4, 2022
“Black and White. Liebermann’s Prints”

From March 6th to June 6th, 2022, the Liebermann-Villa am Wannsee will show an overview of Max Liebermann’s prints. The presentation with over forty exhibits takes a focused look at his artistic development and the techniques used by Max Liebermann, including etching and lithography.

Press release (in German)

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February 2, 2022
“IN Focus. New Acquisitions in the Liebermann Villa”

In recent years, numerous new donations and permanent loans have enriched the Liebermann Villa’s collection. From 2 to 28 February 2022, ten of these highlights will be featured in a new exhibition, including paintings of the Wannsee Garden, portraits of well-known personalities and large-format drawings.

Press release (in German)

Presse image

Am rechten Bildrand ist das Gesicht eines älteren Herrn mit Brille und Schnurrbart mit erkennbaren Pinselstrichen. Der Hintergrund ist leicht grau auf einer beigen Leinwand.
Max Liebermann, Portrait of Dr. Wilhelm Bode, 1904, Study, Detail, Max-Liebermann-Gesellschaft, Foto: Peter Sierigk

January 19, 2022

Thanks to a generous private donation, the Max Liebermann Society received the oil study “Portrait of Dr. Wilhelm Bode”. The impressive portrait of the then director of the Kaiser Friedrich Museum documents Liebermann’s role as a recognized and sought-after portraitist at the beginning of the 20th century, who had numerous personalities from art, politics and industry portrayed by him. His portraits reflected the intellectual and artistic elite of Germany at the time, which included the art historian and museum director Wilhelm von Bode. The final version of his portrait is now in the possession of the National Gallery of the Berlin State Museums.

Press release (in German)

Karte mit Skizzen und Beschriftungen zu einem Gänge-Menü von 1927

October 28, 2021
Liebermann Villa receives gift of a menu card from the private estate of Martha Liebermann

To mark his departure from the board of the Max Liebermann Society, Wolfgang Immenhausen has presented the Villa with a generous gift – a menu card from the former estate of Martha Liebermann. The personal menu card was printed for the banquet on the occasion of Max Liebermann’s 80th birthday on June 30, 1927. Designed with four lithographed drawings by Max Slevogt, the card also features fifteen signatures from various guests at the celebration, some of them with dedications and congratulations to Martha Liebermann.

Press release (in German)

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Darstellung eineer hügeligen Landschaft mit wenigen Bäumen rechts und blauem Himmel.

October 15, 2021
Carl Blechen

Carl Blechen

Carl Blechen (1798-1840) stands with Caspar David Friedrich among the most important German landscape painters of the early 19th century. Dramatic light and glowing colours characterise his works. Blechen was highly regarded both during his lifetime and after his death. Max Liebermann was a great admirer of Blechen. Following his appointment to president of the Berlin Academy of Arts, one of Liebermann’s first exhibitions in the Academy – in the November of 1921 – was a Blechen retrospective. The current exhibition at Wannsee explores Liebermann’s interest in Blechen and what he sought to show with his Berlin exhibition. The exhibits have been loaned by the Blechen collection of the Stiftung Fürst-Pückler-Museum Park und Schloss Branitz in Cottbus.

Press release (in German)

Press picture list (in German)

General Press Information

Die seeseitige Fassade der Liebermann-Villa, davor erstreckt sich die Blumenterrasse mit gelben und blauen Blumen.

The Liebermann Villa at Wannsee

Soon you will find our updated press kit about the history and rescue of the Liebermann Villa here.

Blick auf den Steg und den Teepavillon der Liebermann-Villa am Wannsee

The garden of the Liebermann Villa

Here you will find all important information about the history, creation and reconstruction of the garden of the Liebermann Villa.

To the press folder (in German)


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